Terra Monsters Wiki
Online Device Purrpetal #002
O O Purrpetal Habitat
Element Thorny Bramble

Favorite Food
Garden Shrubs
Rarity Location
Uncommon Evolve Dandylion
The thorns on Purrpetal's tail become a formidable defense mechanism.
Purrpetal evolves from Dandylion.
Purrpetal evolves into Vioness after Level 37 with 8 Evolution Points.
> Purrpetal
> Vioness


Lv. 1 Per Lv. Lv. 100
HP 41 3 360
Melee Attack 56 4 482
Melee Defense 28 3 346
Range Attack 28 3 346
Range Defense 55 4 481
Speed 53 3 374
Agility 49 3 369
The above table shows the monster's stats in the first app series of TM; be sure that these stats may incorrect in other series, including MMORPG version.

Available Moves[]

Lvl Name Element Style PP Power Energy Cost Effect
9 Bite Normal Melee 25 55 Low Flinch(25%)
9 Uproot Earth Melee 20 40 Low Ranged Defense(-5%), Speed(-10%)
10 Mud-sling Earth Ranged 20 43 Low Accuracy(-10%), Confusion(5%)
18 Self Defense Normal Other 100 0 No Energy Melee, Ranged Defense(+40%)
21 Draining Venom Earth Ranged 15 50 Medium Sleep(5%), Poison(10%)
24 Secret Bite Arcane Melee 15 55 Medium None
28 Headbutt Normal Melee 15 60 Medium Flinch(20%)
32 Entangle Earth Melee 15 50 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack, Melee Defense(-5%), Speed(-20%)
34 Forces of Nature Earth Melee 15 65 Medium Speed(-10%)
42 Absorb Earth Melee 15 35 Medium Melee Attack(+50%)